Jon hamm dating show

Jon Hamm is a household name for his role as Don Draper in the hit AMC series Mad Men. But before he was a world famous actor, Hamm appeared on a 1998 dating show, The Big Date. To commemorate the 20th anniversary of the show, Hamm appeared on the Jimmy Kimmel Live! Show to talk about his experience.

Hamm was a contestant on the show and was selected to go on a date with one of three women. Unfortunately, none of them chose him and he lost out on the prize of a trip to Jamaica. Despite his loss, Hamm's appearance on the show gained him some recognition which eventually led him to land his role in Mad Men.

When asked about the show, Hamm couldn't help but laugh and said that it was "a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away". He also noted that the show was an interesting experience and that it was "a strange thing to be judged on your appearance and your charisma".

When reflecting on his experience, Hamm said that it taught him an important lesson about himself. He realized that he didn't really care about winning money or prizes - what he really wanted was to be famous. This drove him to pursue his dream of becoming an actor, which ultimately paid off.

Despite not winning the prize, Jon Hamm's appearance on The Big Date was an important moment in his career and ultimately led him to the success he enjoys today. It's a fun reminder that talent can come from unexpected places - even a dating show!

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